Monday, May 26, 2008

Spring in Wyomissing for the Brooks

Hi everyone!  We have been busy as usual this spring getting our house ready to sell.  We are excited and sad all at once about our upcoming big move back to SLC.  Emma and Claire both went camping with their girl scout troops.  Lauren finished up her softball season.  Claire and her friend Abby decorated a wagon and pulled Sam in the Memorial Day parade.  We still enjoy taking walks with our family in the parkland down the street and spending time with awesome friends.  We have been to three spring concerts and the school art show.  Emma, Claire and Sophie are working out at the YMCA pool to get ready for summer swimming.  I will have to get better at this as the summer goes on.  We miss those of you we don't get to see often and hope you are doing great.

1 comment:

morgan and ashley boyack said...

Look how grown up all the brooks girls are!! Way to cute. All the boys are going to be beating down your door when you move to SLC. You better start telling them Grandma Charmaine's rule. "Girls are not aloud to call boys!" Mary still has a complex about that rule! It is still a good one until you get to be a bit older! Good luck with the house selling! We love you and preay for the right thing to happen for your family!